This player plays for The Outbowlers.
Below is the performance for this player since September 2023.
Playing form for the last 12 frames is L L W L W L L L W L L L .
None yet.
Below are the past frames where Callum Hamilton played. Click on a frame to view the match information.
Date | Frame | Opponent | 7 Baller | Status |
22/09/2024 | 3 | Clive Whitehead | 0 | Lost |
22/09/2024 | 6 | Jake Meredith | 0 | Lost |
22/09/2024 | 12 | Huw Wainwright | 0 | Won |
29/09/2024 | 1 | Jack Shepherd | 0 | Lost |
29/09/2024 | 10 | Arnold Tanner | 0 | Won |
29/09/2024 | 13 | Arnold Tanner | 0 | Lost |
06/10/2024 | 3 | Nathan Hamer | 0 | Lost |
06/10/2024 | 9 | Jamie Woodhouse | 0 | Lost |
06/10/2024 | 13 | Ricky Penny | 0 | Won |
13/10/2024 | 1 | Johnny Jones | 0 | Lost |
13/10/2024 | 7 | Richard Clifton | 0 | Lost |
13/10/2024 | 13 | Sam Young | 0 | Lost |
20/10/2024 | 4 | Lydon Birch | 0 | Lost |
20/10/2024 | 8 | Steve Tudor | 0 | Lost |
20/10/2024 | 14 | Steve Tudor | 0 | Lost |
27/10/2024 | 1 | Michael Goodwin | 0 | Won |
27/10/2024 | 7 | Michael Goodwin | 0 | Lost |
27/10/2024 | 14 | Michael Goodwin | 0 | Lost |
10/11/2024 | 4 | Joshua Ross | 0 | Won |
10/11/2024 | 13 | Anthony Price | 0 | Won |
17/11/2024 | 2 | Niall Morgan | 1 | Won |
17/11/2024 | 8 | Niall Morgan | 0 | Lost |
17/11/2024 | 14 | Jack Shepherd | 0 | Won |
01/12/2024 | 1 | Jean Marie-Penny | 0 | Won |
01/12/2024 | 7 | Nathan Hamer | 0 | Lost |
01/12/2024 | 14 | Aron James | 0 | Lost |
08/12/2024 | 9 | Richard Clifton | 0 | Lost |
08/12/2024 | 12 | Richard Clifton | 0 | Lost |
05/01/2025 | 5 | Andrew Powell | 0 | Lost |
05/01/2025 | 13 | Allen Birch | 0 | Lost |
12/01/2025 | 3 | Richard Mason | 0 | Won |
12/01/2025 | 12 | Michael Goodwin | 0 | Lost |
26/01/2025 | 1 | Jake Meredith | 0 | Lost |
26/01/2025 | 10 | Gareth Edmunds | 0 | Lost |
26/01/2025 | 14 | Gareth Edmunds | 0 | Lost |
02/02/2025 | 4 | Huw Humphreys | 0 | Lost |
02/02/2025 | 13 | Eddie Bennett | 0 | Lost |
09/02/2025 | 1 | Kye Brooks | 0 | Won |
09/02/2025 | 10 | Shaun Gillett | 0 | Lost |
09/02/2025 | 14 | Kye Brooks | 0 | Lost |
16/02/2025 | 4 | Tom Owen | 0 | Lost |
16/02/2025 | 10 | Richard Watson | 0 | Lost |
Below are the 20 upcoming matches set to feature Callum Hamilton. Click on a match to view more information.
Type | Date | Player | Player |
Below are the past matches featuring Callum Hamilton. Click on a match to view more information.
Type | Date | Player | Player | Status |
© 2024 - Richard Williams | Created exclusively for Newtown Pool League | v1.6.0 (v2S)